Step 10 - Deploy App Protect via CI/CD pipelineΒΆ

In this module, we will install NGINX Plus and App Protect packages on CentOS with a CI/CD toolchain. NGINX teams created Ansible modules to deploy it easily in a few seconds.


The official Ansible NAP role is available here and the NGINX Plus role here

Uninstall the previous running NAP

  1. SSH to the App Protect in CentOS VM

  2. Uninstall NAP in order to start from scratch

    sudo yum remove -y app-protect*
  3. Uninstall NGINX Plus packages

    sudo yum remove -y nginx-plus*
  4. Delete/rename the directories from the existing deployment

    sudo rm -rf /etc/nginx
    sudo rm -rf /var/log/nginx

Run the CI/CD pipeline from Jenkins


  1. RDP to the Jumphost with credentials user:user

  2. Open Chrome and open Gitlab (if not already opened)

  3. Select the repository ansible-deploy and go to CI /CD


The pipeline is as below:

    - Requirements
    - Deploy_nap
    - Workaround_dns

    stage: Requirements
        - ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force

    stage: Deploy_nap
        - ansible-playbook -i hosts app-protect.yml

    stage: Workaround_dns
        - ansible-playbook -i hosts copy-nginx-conf.yml


As you can notice, the Requirements stage installs the requirements. We use the parameter --force in order to be sure we download and install the latest version of the module.


This pipeline executes 2 Ansible playbooks.

  1. One playbook to install NAP (Nginx Plus included)

  2. The last playbook is just there to fix an issue in UDF for the DNS resolver


When the pipeline is finished executing, perform a browser test within Chrome using the Arcadia NAP CentOS bookmark


Congrats, you deployed NGINX Plus and NAP with a CI/CD pipeline. You can check the pipelines in GitLab if you are interested to see what has been coded behind the scenes. But it is straight forward as the Ansible modules are provided by F5/NGINX.