Step 8 - Deploy NAP with a CI/CD toolchainΒΆ

In this module, we will deploy deploy NAP with a CI/CD pipeline. NAP is tied to the app, so when DevOps commits a new app (or a new version), the CI/CD pipeline has to deploy a new NAP component in front. In order to avoid repeating what we did previously, we will use a Signature package update as a trigger.


When a new signature package is available, the CI/CD pipeline will build a new version of the Docker image and run it in front of Arcadia Application

This is the workflow we will run

  1. Check if a new Signature Package is available

  2. Simulate a Commit in GitLab (Goal is to simulate a full automated process checking Signature Package date every day)

  3. This commit triggers a webhook in Gitlab CI

  4. Gitlab CI runs the pipeline

    1. Build a new Docker NAP image with a new tag date of the signature package

    2. Destroy the previous running NAP container

    3. Run a new NAP container with this new Signature Package


Goal of this module is not to learn how to do it, but understand how I did it.

Check the Gitlab CI file

    - Build_image
    - Push_image
    - Run_docker

    - docker info

    stage: Build_image
        - TAG=`yum info app-protect-attack-signatures | grep Version | cut -d':' -f2`
        - echo $TAG
        - docker build -t`echo $TAG` .
        - echo export TAG=`echo $TAG` > $CI_PROJECT_DIR/variables
        - variables

    stage: Push_image
        - source $CI_PROJECT_DIR/variables
        - echo $TAG
        - docker push`echo $TAG`

    stage: Run_docker
        - source $CI_PROJECT_DIR/variables
        - echo $TAG
        - ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yaml --extra-var dockertag=`echo $TAG`


The challenge here was to retrieve the date of the package and tag the image with this date in order to have one image per signature package date. This is useful if you need to roll back to a previous version of the signatures.

Simulate an automated task detecting a new Signature Package has been release by F5


  1. RDP to the Jumphost and open Chrome

  2. Open Gitlab

    1. If Gitlab is not available (502 error), restart the GitLab Docker container. SSH to the GitLab VM and run docker restart gitlab

  3. In GitLab, open NGINX App Protect / signature-update project

  4. SSH (or WebSSH) to CICD server (Gitlab runner, Terraform, Ansible)

    1. Run this command in order to determine the latest Signature Package date: yum info app-protect-attack-signatures

    2. You may notice the version date. In my case, when I write this lab 2020.06.30 was the most recent version of the signatures package. We will use this date as a Docker tag, but this will be done automatically by the CI/CD pipeline.


Trigger the CI/CD pipeline

Steps :

  1. In GitLab, click on Repository and Tags in the left menu

  2. Create a new tag and give it a name like Sig-<version date> where ideally <version_date> should be replaced by the package version information found in the result of the yum info step above. But it does not matter, you can put anything you want in this tag.

  3. Click Create tag

  4. At this moment, the Gitlab CI pipeline starts

  5. In Gitlab, in the signature-update repository, click CI / CD > Pipelines

  6. Enter into the pipeline by clicking on the running or passed button. And wait for the pipeline to finish. You can click on every job/stage to check the steps

  7. Check if the new image created and pushed by the pipeline is available in the Docker Registry.
    1. In Chrome open bookmark Docker Registry UI

    2. Click on App Protect Repository

    3. You can see your new image with the tag 2020.06.30 - or any other tag based on the latest package date.

  8. Connect in SSH to the Docker App Protect + Docker repo VM, and check the signature package date running docker exec -it app-protect more /var/log/nginx/error.log

2020/07/06 09:32:05 [notice] 12#12: APP_PROTECT { "event": "configuration_load_success", "software_version": "3.74.0", "attack_signatures_package":{"revision_datetime":"2020-06-30T10:08:35Z","version":"2020.06.30"},"completed_successfully":true,"threat_campaigns_package":{}}


Congratulations, you ran a CI/CD pipeline with a GitLab CI.